God bless you Jerry. It’s no accident that I found this channel. I decided ahead of time that I was going to fast this weekend. Water and coffee only. God led me to your channel and your message about “going nuclear.” I’ve decided to extend this fast indefinitely. (Not telling you to boast or get credit, rather to let you know I’m with you!). Thank you for everything you’re doing. It’s opening my eyes to how a true prayer warrior prays.
Scott S
Brother Jerry, you don't know how accurate your prayer was.... Praying about the farms- did you know that azure company had a major for at one of their distribution centers yesterday? Lots of ppl use azure to buy healthy foods in bulk to stock up from the food shortages ... And last week taylor farms caught fire? Thank you for praying for the farms!
Landline C
Pastor Jerry and ALL those praying for my mother-in-law I want to Thank You for ALL your prayers. I am going to claim in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour that he has heard your prayers. Today Frances Decker went to her Drs appt and the liver seems to be functioning properly. The doctor said it must be a miracle from God. They will remove the drain tube in 4 weeks. Jesus is so good.
Julie D
Miraculous Healling of throat cancer in Steve Decker, was told his throat was full of cancer, could not speak, a few days later, speaking again, doctors said no sign of cancer, he is claiming this healing in the Name of Jesus, by the Stripes and Blood of Jesus, Thank You, Jesus!!!
Julie D
Thank you @JerryD for your recorded prayers and teachings!!
Tonight while I was reviewing the posts from today I came across your voice recordings (from today) and started listening to each one of them.
While I was listening to your teachings and prayers... I started praying.
I received a miraculous healing in my neck tonight from an injury from 1 year ago, while praying with your recordings!
The pain is gone and full mobility has returned!!
Praise the Lord hallelujah!!! Thank you Jesus
Breanna, my great niece, was in a car accident, on life support & induced coma, she received miracle healing from our Abba Father, Praise Jesus!!! and in two days was awake and sitting up!!!
Fran Decker was told by the doctors to make final plans, God”s Ultra Warriors Church surrounded her in prayers, seal and suturing her in the Blood of Jesus. His healing blood touched her, she is up walking around, healthy, no more drowning from within, draining tube removed, doctors have declared this a miracle!!!
Hi everyone. I have a praise report. I asked you to pray for my hips. Its been a few days and I haven’t had any pain in them. Its a miracle. Praise God, I have been praying for healing for 10 years.
Could you pray for my knees. They are making steps hard for me, bending down I can’t get up. I do not want knee replacement surgery, it isn’t what they promise.
I wanted this community to know and to thank Jerry & Misuk for making me feel so loved, accepted, and cherished. I never felt this before from ANY church .
God bless them both, their ministry, & this community family!
Mary & Joseph
Thank you, prayer warriors and brother Jerry @JerryD, who prayed for my sleep. Last night I slept soundly and so did ALL of my pets!! Praise God!! Whoo whoo!!
Update: My toe is completely healed! I realized early this morning that I have all normal movement with no pain! Thank you for your prayers and praise the Holy of Holies! So very thankful for you all!
Laura L
Thank you for praying for me during this broadcast! Something awesome happened during it. My mouth opened involuntarily three times while Jerry was praying. I believe I was delivered from three or maybe even more demons! I was just sitting at my desk listening to the prayer, agreeing with the words, and praising God... when my mouth opened really wide like I was going to yawn, but I couldn't quite yawn and didn't try to as I knew what was happening. Praise the Lord!
i got the olive oil. you healed me!!! i love you and i love GOD and i love jerry d! please put me on your wall!!!!!
I also want to share a praise report.
Me and my family are a very happy and joyous family in general. We are together all day, 24/7, since we homeschool our kids, my wife is home taking care of everyone and everything and I am working from home (IT developer/engineer). My wife and kids listen to Christian music (only) all day long and sing songs unto the Lord.
But since exactly the day I joined this blessed and powerful channel and started listening to brother Jerry's recordings (while walking through the whole house on speaker), we all have experienced a peace, joy and happiness like we have not for a very long time, if even ever like this. Everyone in our family even mentioned it at the same time with happy tears. It is amazing and we are so grateful and thankful for this blessing and peace the Lord Jesus is pouring out upon us.
I thank brother Jerry for answering to the call of our Lord Jesus Christ and I praise God for his Son Jesus Christ. Thank you Abba Father, thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!
Do it Again Song by Elevation Worship.
Our prayer group prayed for tumors in an unborn boy to be healed before birth. It worked.
Prayers that this twin boy is miraculously healed , May his healing show those helping him in the hospital Jesus saves, God is real. May the Lord be near his parents and continue to give them hope regardless of the outcomes. In Jesus name we pray
Christ Follower
Testimony: I asked for prayer for insomnia last Thursday, April 28, 2022, and Jerry D prayed an awesome prayer for me.That night I had a great sleep, and it continued for 2 more nights, no insomnia for 3 nights in a row, Hallelujah! Last night I had a little hard time going to sleep but I slept much better than I was expecting and had lots of dreams, which is always a good sign. I believe that prayer kick-started a change in my sleep, and that from now on, God will help me to sleep better as I focus on Him and go to prayer whenever I am tempted to start thinking and problem-solving again. God is teaching me to REST in Him, and creating a habit of inviting Him into my thought-life, turning frets into prayers, even when I’m exhausted. We are all need to be strengthened in our faith right now, and I’m grateful for this ministry here on Telegram, and Jerry listening when I needed help. Thank you again, and may this testimony help others struggling. You certainly have my permission, Brother Jerry, to share this testimony to help encourage others! Sweet Dreams, Warriors!
Christ Wendy D
I need to share briefly that it is truly remarkable what God is doing in my life since coming here to Brother Jerry’s ministry! The fasting, the prayer and the fellowship are working! And the recorded teachings have been so powerful!
If you told me a month ago that I would look forward to fasting, I would never believe it.
Anybody who knows me knows that skipping meals would never be an idea I would consider !
I honestly can’t wait to fast tomorrow because it is bringing me closer to God every day and He is blessing my soul like I never imagined.
Thank you Brother for being a true warrior for God, a Brother of Christ and a teacher of the way towards Jesus!
Now let’s take Goliaths head off!!!!
Figuratively speaking!
Tide T
I’ve been sick 12 years with a mystery illness. I KNOW the power of God Almighty! I was so in HIS presence listening to the Word of God poring out of your mouth divinely like Living Waters as you prayed! So much anointing!! I claim every Word in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
Hallelujah! Praise The Lord!
Thank you so much! The Lord used you today touch my soul in a mighty way. To leave the worries and pain of this illness and to just ENTER INTO HIS PRESENCE IN THE HEAVENLY SPIRITUAL REALM where their is true Peace, abundant Joy, and an Everlasting Joy!
Aimee H
Regards to you all from Germany
Short testimony:
Due to severe trauma inflicted by occult witchcraft compromising our former church leadership, I sometimes have some strong pain in my inner being, soul, heart....
The last two days before today it was such a severe pain I hardly could concentrate on my daily routine.
I came to this group,
Spend some time here,
Followed the posts and listened to brother Jerry D's teaching on reverse the curse part 1.
After that in had a short conversation with him, and while we were simply just typing (!!), I could feel a gentle soft presence of the Holy Spirit sweep over me and comforting me straight inside me, where there was this severe sting of pain.
It got released , and I could freely breath again.
I am so thankful, thank you very much for this community
Don't you ever get busy, chased or pushed down the road by the enemy running after burning fires to quench them, and allow no attempts that want to provoke separation among you,
As this group is a safe place of grace, peace and healing.
Thank U Jesus
By your wounds and stripes we are healed
Brokenhearted are binded up with love.
Aimee H
Regards to you all from Germany
Last night I shared my pain healing testimony I had on your channel with my teenage kids and their friends who stayed overnight.
It encouraged them too, because all of them have trauma issues.
So today one of the non-believing friends sat with us and I explained the spiritual world to her, and my teenage daughter stepped in and also taught her things,
Because all of those kids experience and are confronted so much with the occult, I tell you guys, and her eyes got big and she received it like crazy, and then shouted:
"Give me more! I want more, this is so nice!"
She then confessed about using tarot divination cards, and asked if they were bad,
So I explained how black or white witchcraft both are very dark and dangerous.
She right away said: pray with me, I don't want this in my life anymore!
So you see:
The touch of God from your channel started a little chain reaction at my home yesterday, and touched the youth.
love how the Kingdom of God strikes all around us as we go.....
Aimee H
Thank you so much for praying for me brother Jerry. My fever literally went away that same night. It only lasted about 3 hours and haven't had a fever since. I had a nap after I sent that prayer request and sweated it out. Still feeling bit tired and get bit dizzy, but no fever, praise God. My son is doing great and hasn't caught it.
Hi everyone. I have a praise report. I asked you to pray for my hips. Its been a few days and I haven’t had any pain in them. Its a miracle. Praise God, I have been praying for healing for 10 years.
Could you pray for my knees. They are making steps hard for me, bending down I can’t get up. I do not want knee replacement surgery, it isn’t what they promise.
I realize I don’t speak very often, not just that, I’m fairly new, but I just have to say “ThanQ Jerry”. Your voice soothes my troubles and your words bless me, I feel a comfort wash over me, a feeling of being at home. I know, it sounds crazy but I feel a true sincerity & pure love kindness that you give. You & the family I feel you are, brothers & sisters alike, so much love. This little channel has nourished me personally, far more than what I could’ve dreamed!
I fight on the digital battlefield, trying to bring truth, love, light & hope to the masses. I have always been “a ray of light” but even the brightest light needs recharged to fight another day. Thank you brother Jerry, you’ve blessed me beyond words. I apologize for not telling you sooner. Love to you all!
I receive your powerful blessings & return them to every individual in this group! Praise the Lord for you brother Jerry May others feel your warrior spirit & know they can call on Angels to fight
Silent Storm
Good news
Thank you for your beautiful prayer about my potassium Your beautiful voice prayer was such a healing
My potassium is normal ce right down fr very high
Thank you God bless you
Love you all and pray for all each day
Helen C
Thank you for your prayers I am healed my potassium is normal God bless
Helen C
Good Morning to everyone!
I am beyond excited to share with God’s Ultra Warriors Church that my ENTIRE FAMILY AND BOTH of my parents were so taken aback by the Love and prayers and the Word that has and is being ministered to me through Pastor Jerry, Sister Misuk, along with Sister Sue!
I shared how I had found this AMAZING church on Telegram.
I explained to them how it works, and EVERY ONE of them want to join!
I’m beyond excited! I wasn’t sure how they would respond to an online church, but I prayed about it and GOD DID THE REST! HALLELUJAH
Happy tears!
My mother was so touched as she has walked through every second of my illness with me for 12 years. She was brought to tears!
I cannot wait for our next Sunday and Wednesday Service! We “my entire family can join together!”
I’m up and around my home SINGING He’s an on time God, Yes He Is! He’s an on time God Yes He is!
Aimee H
New person to new person... aren't we so very Blessed to have found this wonderful family!! The changes in my life in just these few days has been astounding!
Wow, I have an update on baby Avery! From my friend:
"Avery is home with his family tonight!!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!! Things turned around quickly!"
Praise God, praise God, that is truly a miracle. Thank you all so much!!! Hugs and kisses to all who prayed
LeeAnn L
recovered rapidly after the prayer… took two days for all soreness to leave but I could not even move my fingers before prayer, as tendon was hit. It is as if I never was injured! All glory be to God! Thank you Jesus for your blood!
Thank you to all who prayed. I’m so grateful!!
Amy V
Totally healed Hallelujah! By day 2, I could feel and use my fingers again but felt power and heat flow through it as soon as Jerry and his wife prayed over it with the oil. I almost fell over! God was on the move and I give Jesus all the glory and honor and praise. Thank you!!
Amy V
God bless everyone of you beautiful souls. This church is arguably the best thing about telegram.
Heavily father. Bless and protect the members of this church. And extra blessing to Pastor Jerry and Sister Sue. For forming this church and keeping it on track.
NOW Needed
Praise God The fever left! Thank you so much for praying. It was nice to meet you. I can feel the love of God flowing through you guys. I’m very sleepy, so I’m going back to sleep. Goodnight!
Susannah V
When I went in to lay hands on her head, it was very hot. After prayer with the anointing oil and receiving and agreeing, I brushed her forehead because she was falling back asleep and said, hey, do you feel different? She said, yes. I told her- your forehead is cool now.
Praise Jesus for his miracle working blood and the prayers of faith.
Thank you all.
I need to head to bed too. Work in the morning.
God bless you all! Much love!!
Amy V
I have a praise report @JerryD and brothers & sisters:
The Holy Spirit has been teaching my pastor spiritual warfare , including deliverance ministry and what He has taught me through brother JerryD and others, including His Word, I have been helping.
Today, we had an addiction recovery group at our church, and God showed me a vision of Him setting the captives free, by showing me angels removing the handcuffs and shackles off of us all, so I shared it. It left an impression on the recovery minister and 5 other people, because the recovery minister had told the congregation that He believed the Lord wanted me to come up and pray to set the captives free and for anyone wanting prayer to come up. He had me pray over a bag of prayer cloths, and hand them out to the ones requesting prayer and anyone who wanted one. God had me pray over 3 or 4 who had come for prayer and deliverance and He set the captives free!! To God be all of the glory! I thank God He used me as He had done in the past, and I'm so glad He has given our congregation this new anointing. Thank you, brother @JerryD and this ministry and to all of my faithful brothers and sisters who pray here regularly!
God has prevailed HALLELUJAH. No blood or infection. Dr's thought was making it up how he was earlier. Thank you for your faithful prayers. Crying tears of joy. Testimony